Tyneside Tug Builders in alphabetical order of Surname
James Dunn Burdis took over the Low Lights boatbuilding yard and slipway from James Dowey in June 1859.
Shields Daily Gazette, Saturday, 25/06/1859
My thanks to Kelvin Wilson who has identified the location of the Burdis yard and also provided the following map from the 1860s.
Kelvin says "If you look at the 1860s map of the Shields quayside below, the large building just above the word ‘Slip’ is the Low Lights — all of the terrain to the west of it, was a shipbuilder’s yard.
That it was owned by Mr Burdis, I know because in researching the socalled ‘dead house’ (a makeshift mortuary for drowned people) that was there from at least 1855 into the 1870s,
it is in 1864 referred to being ‘in the shipbuilding yard of Mr. Burdis’."
Above map courtesy of Kelvin Wilson
The following is a list of tugs built by James Dunn Burdis, North Shields:
KEY BELOW: D - Dimensions; H - History; P - Photographs