Launched: | 1862 |
Completed: | 07/1862 |
Builder: | Richard Landells, North Shields |
Yard Number: | |
Dimensions: | 67grt, 18nrt, 80.6 x 16.8 x 8.8ft; (1862: 66grt) |
Engines: | L1cyl, 29nhp |
Engines by: | |
Propulsion: | Paddle |
Construction: | Wood |
Reg Number: | 44298 |
History: | |
08/07/1862 | John Wilson & Thomas Leithead, North Shields |
1862 | Alexander Watt, Montrose; registered at Montrose |
1865 | Montrose Steam Tug Co Ltd, Montrose |
1879 | James Mitchell, John & Francis Batey et al; registered at Montrose |
1892 | James & John Mitchell, Montrose |
1894 | James I Minto, Leith; registered at Leith |
1903 | Broken up |
Comments: | Thanks to David Asprey for the above details |